Lives in Stockholm, Sweden.
b. 1980
erik.berglin @
00 46 070 579 22 37

2008 – 2010 MFA, HDK-Valand Art Academy, Gothenburg
2005 – 2008 BFA, HDK-Valand Art Academy, Gothenburg

Book release: Stories Concerning Heimaey
Landskrona Photo Festival
7 September

Soloshow: Stories Concerning Heimaey
The Icelandic Photo Festival
17 – 23 January

Erik Berglins practice is devoted to exploring the boundaries of what photography is and can be today.

His works usually have an unexpected twist. They range from interventions in public space, fact/fictional storytelling and appropriation of material found in old books or online. His practice is based around text and photographs but he rarely uses a camera, instead he generates imagery using customized computer algorithms or scissors.

His works stem from a conceptual tradition but feature coincidental, accidental and unexpected connections. Found images are altered or detached from their natural function with references to documentaries, art history and popular culture.

Each project is made with an esthetic aiming to maximize the visual logic for that specific set of images. Subject matters also vary but often circulate around questioning the authenticity of photography. He is more interested in how the images are made, rather than what they depict. Having that said Berglins work is always trying to be visually interesting.

His first book The Bird Project 2006 – 2017 won the Swedish Book Art Award 2021 and the Swedish Photo Book Price 2022. The work Tulip Variations was selected for the reGeneration show: The Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow at Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne (2020) and included in Thames & Hudsons book Flora Photographica: The Flower in Contemporary Photography (2022).

Solo Exhibitions
2023 The Bird Project, Vasli Souza Gallery, Oslo
2023 Orbitofrontal Cortex, Cornelia Sojdelius Gallery, Stockholm
2022 Discarded Prints, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2022 The Bird Project, Black Door Gallery, Örebro
2020 The Bird Project, Centrum för Fotografi, Stockholm
2020 The Bird Project, Gustavsbergs Fotopark, Värmdö
2019 Ignavus Auspex, Härnösands Konsthall
2019 The Bird Project, Ronneby Konsthall
2018 The Bird Project, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2017 Randomized Updates, Skomakeriet, Stockholm
2016 Blinded By The Light, Koloni, Arvika
2015 G.A.C.G.A.S, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2014 Iconoclashes, ADA Gallery, Richmond
2014 Planking Piece, Centrum för Fotografi, Stockholm
2014 Los Pajaros de Paternal, Paternal Espacio Proyecto, Buenos Aires
2013 Iconoclashes, Mulherin+Polard, New York
2013 Surrounding Camouflage, Fitness Art Space, New York
2013 Iconoclashes, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2012 Blinded by the light, Kleerup Gallery, Stockholm
2011 Archaeopteryx & other birds, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
2011 Various Interventions, Format Gallery, Malmö
2010 Everything Is Borrowed, Goldin Gallery, Stockholm
2009 New And Old Possibilities, Sundsvalls Museum, Sundsvall

Group Exhibitions
2024 Paper Positions, Art Fair, Berlin
2024 Salong #1, Studio Tabac
2024 Winter show, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2024 Det stora, hela, Cornelia Sojdelius Gallery, Stockholm
2023 Ghost in the machine, Berg Gallery, Stockholm
2023 Rewilding, Copenhagen Photo Festival
2023 Biennale Le Latitudini Dell´Arte, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2022 Nordic Light Festival, Kristiansund, Norway
2022 Athens Photo Festival, Benaki Museum, Athens
2022 Biennale Le Latitudini Dell´Arte, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy
2022 Ghost in the machine, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2020 reGeneration: The Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow, Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland
2020 The Climate Emergency in 50 Rounds, Fotobokfestivalen, Oslo
2020 Art Attack – 52 samtida konstnärer, Bohusläns Museum
2020 Föreställningar om naturen, Västerås Museum
2020 Bildkonst från Jämtland & Medelpad, Örnsköldsviks Museum
2019 In Mid Air, Bångska Våningen, Stockholm
2018 Photography, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2017 Side by Side, ID:I Gallery, Stockholm
2017 A LOT A LOT, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2016 Neither big, nor glossy, CAC Bukovje, Landskrona Photo Festival
2016 Gärning, Göteborgs Konstmuseum
2015 Den Ekologiska Teatern, Biologiska Museet, Stockholm
2015 Konvergenser #1, Nevven, Gothenburg
2014 Hi Res, Plug Projects, Kansas City
2014 Spring Exhibition, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
2014 Ten – 10 Curators, 100 Artworks, Cindy Rucker Gallery, New York
2014 Samlarens Blick, Bohusläns Konsthall, Uddevalla
2013 Pyroerotomachy, Miejska Arsenal, Poznan Biennale, Poland
2013 Dublin Doubles, Voorkamer Art Initiative, Dublin
2013 Terrifying Noble Splendid, Temp Art Space, New York
2013 Fifth Year Anniversary, Gallery Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm
2013 Love Explosion, Konsthallen, Gothenburg
2013 Future Myth, 319 Scholes, New York
2013 Less is more, Sundsvalls Museum, Sweden
2013 Mama Birding, Communication Gallery, Toronto
2013 Dopet, Ställbergs Gruva, Sweden
2013 Art Hack: God Mode, 319 Scholes, New York
2011 We Where Here, S.I.M, Reykjavik
2011 Our Winter Show, Gallery Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm
2011 Stage The Space, Betahause, Berlin
2010 Det verkar som verklighet, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm
2010 Nyförvärv, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Gothenburg
2010 Det verkar som verklighet, Göteborgs Konsthall, Gothenburg
2010 Konst ur samlingarna at large, Sundsvalls Museum, Sundsvall
2009 Vinklingar, Skövde Museum, Skövde
2009 Dedications, Paleis Oranjestraat, Alma Löv
2008 New Nordic Photography, Hasselblad Center, Gothenburg
2008 More or less already done, Röda Sten, Gothenburg
2008 Producing/Dissolving, Stockholm Art Fair, Stockholm
2008 A-Political Exhibition, T.I.C.A, Tirana
2007 Rethinking Dissent, Gallery Rotor, Gothenburg Biennale
2007 Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs, Stockholm
2007 The Hidden, Västernorrlands Länsmuseum, Härnösand
2006 Staden i kontrast, Stadsmuseet, Gothenburg

Grants / Residency / Awards
2023 IASPIS, Internationell Culture Exchange Grant
2022 Winner of Swedish Photo Book of the year
2022 Swedish- Icelandic Collaboration Fond  – Travel grant
2021 Winner of Swedish Book Art Award
2020 Sveriges Författarfond, 1 year working grant
2019 Konstnärsnämnden, 2 Year Working Grant
2019 Längmanska Stiftelsen
2019 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation  – Travel grant
2015 Göteborgs Stads Kulturstipendium
2014 Konstnärsnämnden, 2 Year Working Grant
2014 Residency at L.P.E.P, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2014 Sundsvalls Art Grant
2013 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers Foundation
2012 IASPIS, Assistant Grant – with Penelope Umbrico
2012 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation – Travel grant
2011 IASPIS, Internationell Culture Exchange Grant
2011 Residency at S.I.M, Reykjavik, Iceland
2010 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers Foundation
2009 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation  – Travel grant
2009 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers Foundation
2008 Grafström – Sandqvistska Foundation
2007 Adlerbertska Foundation
2006 Sundsvalls Art Grant
2006 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers Foundation

Publications & Reviews
2023 Ghost in the machine på Berg Gallery, Anders Olofsson,, june
2023 The Bird Project, Berlingske Magazine, May
2023 Berg Editorial #1, April
2023 The Bird Project, German Greenpeace magazine, March
2022 Flora Photographica, edited by William A. Ewing & Danae Panchaud,  Thames & Hudson
2022 Gatusmarta fåglar, Dagens Arbete, june
2022 Review: The Bird Project 2006 – 2017, Kjetil Rœd, Fotografi #3
2022 Fåglar, klister, kamera, Anna Henriksson, Fotografisk Tidskrift #1
2022 Från Bredäng till Buenos Aries, Anna Rönnegren, MittI, april
2022 Han får Svenska Fotobokspriset, Göteborgsposten, march
2022 Han får Svenska Fotobokspriset, Aftonbladet, march
2021 More is More, Viction Workshop LTD
2021 Fåglar som gnistrar likt ädelstenar, Sara Arvidsson, Fotografisk Tidskrift #2
2020 reGeneration4 – The Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow, hardcover book published by Musée de l’Elysée and Scheidegger & Spies
2020 Penser les futurs photographiques, Guillaume Lassare, Mediapart, aug
2020 L’Elysée Lausannois termine son parcours avec, Etienne Dumont, Bilan, aug
2020 reGeneration4: les meilleurs photographes de demain s’exposent à Lausanne, Elodie Cabrera, Télérama, july
2020 VERK – ett urval av texter,  Samtal med Erik Berglin, Linda Bergman, Boris Press, may
2020 The Bird Project 2006 – 2017, softbound book published by  ll`editions
2019 Berättelser om en gränslös värld, Tore Sjöqvist, Växsjöbladet, nov
2019 Människan och naturen, Bleninge Läns Tidning, Ingemar Lönnebom, nov
2018 Ett farväl till fåglarna, Sara Arvidsson, Göteborgs Posten, jan
2018 Fågelkonst som rest runt världen, Francisco Ramirez Franzén, Göteborgs Posten, jan
2017 Samtal med Erik Berglin, Linda Bergman, Verk (online magazine)
2015 Den här datorn – Svensk Datakonst 1983-2015, Rojal Förlag
2015 Konsthistorisk systemkollaps, Fredrik Svensk, Kunstkritik, Nov
2015 Le Nouveau Naïvité, Ashik Zaman, C-print, Nov
2015 Konstlördag, Sara Arvidsson, Göteborgs Posten, Nov
2015 Birds, Göteborgs Fria Tidning, July
2014 Interview on
2014 Ta med din egen projektor, Göteborgs Fria, Oct
2014 Veckans Konstnär, Nana Håkansson, ETC Göteborg, Aug
2014 Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition Catalog, Esperanza Rosales, May
2014 Born Digital Exhibition Catalog, Domenico Quaranta, Link Editions
2014 Fåglar över hela världen, Susanne Holmlund, Sundsvalls Tidning
2014 Resultatlista: Årets Konstnär, Konstvärlden, Jan
2013 Interview in Perfect Guide – Göteborgs Posten, Victor Johansson
2013 Pasja Fotografi, Poznan Biennale Catalogue, Krzysztof Gutfranski
2013 Interview in Perfect Guide – SvD, Victor Johansson, Nov
2013 Distort the material!, Giampaolo Bianconi, Dazed Digital, June
2013 Pattern Recognition, Lindsay Howard, Dazed & Confused, May
2013 Iconoclashes, Paletten 1-2:3013 #290-291, May
2013 Tio verk – tio intryck, Lasse Hallberg, Sundsvalls Tidning, March
2013 Hacking God, Hyperallergic, Hrag Vartanian, online, March
2013 Exponerande i konstens fina salonger, Dagens Industri, Jonas Flóren
2012 Collecting the WWWorld, Domenico Quaranta, online
2012 Contemporary Swedish Photography, Art and Theory Publications
2012 Blinded By The Light, Konstvärlden #6
2012 Min Helg, Perfect Guide – Göteborgs Posten, Malin Ekman, Feb
2012 Utställningar – Our Last Disco, Perfect Guide, Natalia Goldin, Feb
2011 Surrounding Camouflage, People Magazine, Nov
2011 WilliamsBird, Aaron Short, The Brooklyn Paper, Sep
2011 På flykt från sin egna kamera, Per Kågström, Hallandsposten, Aug
2011 Se upp för gatukonsten, Linda Stark, Syd Svenskan, July
2011 Archaeopteryx & andra fåglar, Fotografisk Tidskrift #3,
2011 Fåglarna invaderar Malmö, Alexander Kuprijanko, Syd Svenskan
2011 Rätt fågel på rätt plats, Jenny Maria Nilsson, Kvällsposten, April
2011 Eriks fåglar finns över hela världen, Emma Löfgren, Metro, April
2011 Rum som berör och gör skillnad, Mikael Olofsson, Göteborgs Posten
2011 Konstnatt på sexklubb, Ulla Sundström, Göteborgs Posten, April
2011 Porrklubben som bjuder in konsten, Metro, 5 April
2010 Piratkonst på Östermalm, Natalia Kazmierska, City, Dec
2010 Konst full av skräck, Natalia Kazmierska, City, Okt
2010 Att göra en utställning är en konst, Göteborgs Posten, Aug
2010 Flög över vulkanen – då dog planet, Aftonbladet, Jonas Sverin, April
2010 Ögonvittne till infernot, Dagbladet, Victoria Engholm, April
2010 Interview in Fotografisk Tidskrift
2009 Critics Choice – Saatchi, Ben Street, online
2009 Kåt A4, Paletten Konst & Kontrovers, Nov
2009 031.jpg, Metro, Mats Ekendahl, Oct
2009 Slumpen avgör bilden, DN På Stan, Pernilla Ahlsèn, Aug
2009 Göteborgsandan har även goda sidor, SvD, Fabian Kastner, Aug
2009 Göteborg 3:2009, Ord & Bild, July
2008 Bilder, minnen, bildminnen, Göteborgs Posten, Karin Widegård
2008 Foto som öppnar dörrar för tolkning, Borås Tidning, Rolf Haglund
2008 För mycket post, Lystring #2
2007 Birds, Playground Sweden, Dokument Förlag
2007 För snäll konst, Dagens Nyheter, Anna-Karin Sandström, Oct
2007 New and old possibilities, Paletten, Sophie Allegårdh, Sep
2007 Vantarnas Beskyddare, Göteborgs Posten, Erik Sidung, April
2007 Sprängkraft, Dagens Nyheter, Bo Madestrand, Feb
2007 New and old possibilities, Motiv #10
2007 Street Art Sthlm, Förlaget Max Ström

Musée de l’Elysée
Statens Konstråd
Hasselblad Center
Gothenburg Museum
Sundsvalls Museum
Västerås Museum
Iaspis Archive
County Council of Gävleborg, Sweden
County Council of Västra Götaland, Sweden
County Council of Västernorrland, Sweden
County Council of Örbro, Sweden
The City of Gothenburg, Sweden
The City of Sundsvall, Sweden
The City of Uppsala, Sweden
The City of Härnösand, Sweden
The City of Luleå, Sweden
The City of Borås, Sweden
The City of Västerås, Sweden
Volvo Art Collection
Various private collections

Curatorial Projects
2023 Ghost in the machine, Berg Gallery, Stockholm
2022 Ghost in the machine, Thomassen Gallery, Gothenburg
2014 B.Y.O.B at Gothenburg Konsthall
2011 Svart Galla, Lydmar, Stockholm
2011 Superbia Luxuria, Wandas Video Look, Gothenburg
2010 Svart Galla, Kruthuset, Stockholm
2010 An Experience of Exchange, Galleri Rotor, Gothenburg

Artist Talks
2023 Photography in public space, panel talk , Copenhagen Photo Festival
2023 Ghost in the machine, panel talk, arranged by CFF hosted by Berg Gallery
2022 Nordic Light Festival, Kristiansund
2021 Art Works, zoom talk
2020 Svenska Fotografers Förbund, zoom talk
2016 Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2014 Atalante – Golddigger Productions, Gothenburg
2013 HDK (School of Design and Crafts), Gothenburg
2013 Hasselblad Centers Vänner, Gothenburg
2013 Fotoskolan KY, Gothenburg
2013 Göteborgs Konstskola, Gothenburg
2012 Animamus Art Salon, New York
2011 Ljósmyndaskólinn, Reykjavik
2010 Ljósmyndaskólinn, Reykjavik
2009 Fotogymnasiet, Sundsvall
2008 Pecha Kucha #9, Gothenburg