The Bird Project (folio version)

Images, edit, design and nail bound by Erik Berglin.
Page size: 100 x 70 cm, spread 100 x 140 cm .
Volym; 60 images printed with inkjet on Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308 gram.
Cover design: Lundgren+Lindqvist, printed on 9 mm birch plywood.
Weight: 21 kg (46 lbs).
Podium: Johan André.
Edition: 5 + AP

The core of this project is the documentation of hand cut photographs depicting birds in natural size,  wheat-pasted on walls in cities around the world. Currently 5179 different images of birds have been placed in cities on five continents: Gothenburg (2006), Berlin (2007), Tel Aviv (2008), Casablanca (2009), New York (2010), Reykjavik (2011), Madrid (2012), Malmö (2013), Rio de Janeiro (2014), Buenos Aires (2015), London (2016) Stockholm (2017), Copenhagen (2023) and Oslo (2023).

This folio is an homage to the famous ornithologist John James Audubon’s monumental book Birds of America, originally printed and published between 1827-1838. It contains life-size watercolours of North American birds, all reproduced from hand-engraved plates.

More info about The Bird Project  here.